Remember the “Freshmen 10?” For many of us, the struggle of weight gain didn't fade away with those 20-something fads. Adulting can be hard and an increase in anxiety and stress combined with a more...
Last call for 'Beach Therapy'
As summer continues to slide by and fall right around the corner, the thought of putting your toes in the sand, letting the sun kiss your face, and the waves roll in around you gets even more...
Go to the Beach - Your Brain will Thank You
What Those Food Cravings Really Mean
Remember the “Freshmen 10?” Thanks to COVID 19, many of us are battling the “Quarantine 15.”Life in lockdown disrupted our routines, allowed for more free time, and increased anxiety and stress –...
Why You Need 'Beach Therapy'
Ahhh… summer! Warmer weather and longer days make you want to put your toes in the sand, let the sun kiss your face and watch the waves roll in around you. Just envisioning the ocean, the warmth of...
Chill out with this Relaxation Playlist
Are current events stressing you out a little? Now more than ever, we need creative ways to slow down and chill out in the face of all the collective anxieties that seem to be never-ending. Better...
When the Silver Linings Tarnish
Imagine a scenario in which more than 75% of the population are experiencing irritability, depression, and disrupted sleep. Other symptoms include high blood pressure, compromised immune system and...
Bad Bosses Kill More than Morale
If you haven't had the experience of suffering through an incompetent, insecure, or plain old bully of a boss, consider yourself lucky! According to a Gallup study, companies fill management...
One More Reason You Need 'Beach Therapy'
Ahhh… summer! Warmer weather, longer days often spark the desire to put your toes in the sand and let the sun kiss your face, and the waves roll in around you. Just envisioning vastness of the...
Regain Control with Opposite Action
We all like to think we are rational beings. But really, we are emotional beings with the illusion of rationality. We aren't ruled by logic. We're ruled by our emotions. They control decisions,...