One Common Behavior that Zaps Brain Power

There is one very common behavior that significantly zaps brain function. As incredible as the human brain is - and as you are - chances are, you're either doing it now or will be in the next few...

Last call for 'Beach Therapy'

As summer continues to slide by and fall right around the corner, the thought of putting your toes in the sand, letting the sun kiss your face, and the waves roll in around you gets even more...

Why You Need 'Beach Therapy'

Ahhh… summer! Warmer weather and longer days make you want to put your toes in the sand, let the sun kiss your face and watch the waves roll in around you. Just envisioning the ocean, the warmth of...

Zoom Fatigue: The Struggle is Real

Zoomache: zoom·ache | \zoohmm-āk weariness, fatigue, stress, and/or exhaustion from never-ending Zoom calls with family, friends, business colleagues causing a state of exhaustion or attitude of...

One More Reason You Need 'Beach Therapy'

Ahhh… summer! Warmer weather, longer days often spark the desire to put your toes in the sand and let the sun kiss your face, and the waves roll in around you. Just envisioning vastness of the...

This Common Behavior Zaps Brain Power

Recent research has found that one very common daily activity significantly zaps brain function. We all do it.  

This Common Behavior Makes Your Brain work - Worse!

There is one very common activity that significantly zaps brain function. As incredible as the human brain is - and as you are - chances are, you're doing it now or will be in the next few minutes. 

Gimme' A Brain Break!

Human beings aren’t designed to operate like machines — nonstop at high speeds. Juggling tasks and struggling to keeping up with the avalanche of incoming data requires a huge amount of energy. So,...

Bad News on the Brain

Lately, it seems like everyday "breaking news" is just the newest bad news story about crime, terrorism, violence, injustice, and hate.   Have you ever wondered how all that affects your brain? Not...
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