They say money can’t buy happiness, but it can buy chocolate and that’s the same thing. We now have a few scientific reasons (or ten) to indulge. Research shows that chocolate can help us cheer up,...
The Science of Conversation: 3 Ways to Boost Your CQ
A Simple Brain Hack to keep your New Year's Resolution
New Year, new YOU? Or maybe you just want a semi new you? Either way, the new year feels like a fresh start and a time where we’re at our most motivated to do that thing we've been talking about all...
Turn Your Goal-Setter Into A Goal-Getter
What is your lofty goal – that thing you really want to do but can never seem to get to? Maybe you want to write a book, learn a foreign language, or start your own business. You have the best of...
Laughter: Good for the Body, Good for the Brain
It’s been almost 30 years since the greatest moment of sporting commentary ever and we have our proper friends from across the pond to thank. The BBC has rather strict rules about sports broadcasters...
The Secret to a Neurological Mini-Orgasm... No kidding!
What if I told you that there is a secret way to generate good neurochemicals that trigger the same reward centers in the brain as sex and it releases a boost of dopamine that activates the cerebral...
Metaphorical Mind Games
Do you think you'd judge people differently if you were holding something heavy rather than holding nothing at all? What if you were holding a cup of hot coffee as opposed to a cold drink? Emerging...
A Secret Brain Boost... Right Under Your Nose
You've heard the old saying... "Smile and the world smiles with you; cry and you cry alone." You may not know the original quote penned in Ella Wheeler's poem Solitude in 1883: "Laugh and the world...
The Science Behind Why we Buy
How much do we know about why we buy and why we pass? What truly influences our purchase decisions? An eye-grabbing advertisement, a catchy slogan, an infectious jingle? Great marketers wrestle with...
Who's Dwarfing Team Productivity?
Imagine you are Snow White and your team at work consists of the supporting cast: the seven dwarfs and the wicked queen. Who do you think would endanger the productivity of the group the most? Most...