The Mystery of Roseto

It's no secret that belonging is a fundamental human need. Thanks to a small town of Italian immigrants who found - then lost - the fountain of youth, we've learned that a sense of belonging and...

What it Feels Like to be Seen, Heard and Valued in a Digital World

If we've learned anything over the last few years, we've learned the value of social connection. As with so many other things in life, we often take simple things for granted -- until they are gone....

We're Better Together

Through the years, our species has not only thrived but survived by connecting with others. Whether we were gathering berries, settling new lands, or building high-rises, we did it together empowered...

When the Silver Linings Tarnish

Imagine a scenario in which more than 75% of the population are experiencing irritability, depression, and disrupted sleep. Other symptoms include high blood pressure, compromised immune system and...

You Can't Quarantine Kindness

We find ourselves navigating a new normal... trying to figure out what works and what doesn't. In times like these, we find the very worst of us and the very best of us. Amidst the very real threat...

What Does a Conscious Community Look Like?

"I define connection as the energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard, and valued; when they can give and receive without judgment; and when they derive sustenance and strength...

The Scientific Reality of Reality TV

There is no better way to escape the drama of our lives than by tuning into someone else’s drama.As it turns out, there is a billion dollar industry ready to help…24/7/365. We’ve had a cultural...

Redefining What it Means to be Social

A few weeks ago, I shared a piece titled,How Much is a “Like” Worth?Whether you blog, vlog, or share someone else’s, checking all those looks, likes, and shares is part of the game. The pull of...

A Social Engagement Cautionary Tale

Earlier this week, I published a Neuro Nugget on BIZCatalyst360 about social engagement and what actually happens in the brain when people like or share our social media posts. It was designed to be...

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