Neuro Nugget

What is Your Organizational Mindset?

Written by Melissa Hughes | May 10, 2019 2:27:14 PM

Is your mindset sabotaging your success? The way you see yourself and the stories you tell yourself can either fuel your success or sabotage it.  That internal dialogue is very powerful and it influences the goals we set, the way we interact with others, and our overall success and happiness.

According to Stanford researcher Carol Dweck, the difference between what she calls a “fixed mindset” and a “growth mindset” is what determines what we learn and how well we learn it. Dweck maintains that a fixed mindset assumes our character, intelligence, and creativity are fixed traits that we have no control over. A growth mindset is the belief that even though we each have unique talents, aptitudes, and interests, our mental traits can change through effort and experience.

And, now there is a wealth of research confirming that organizations have a mindset, too. And the organizational mindset impacts employee engagement, company culture, and overall success.  


Download my free whitepaper to learn more about the power of mindset!