V-Day...It's Complicated

There is a fine line between love and hate and it’s called Valentine’s Day. Let’s face it…February 14th is complicated. Lovers relish the opportunity to flood their social feeds with nauseating love messages and gifs of teddy bears while haters rant about how Hallmark's evil commercialization is destroying love as we know it right before our eyes. (“Wake up, people!”) Then, there is a sliver of the population completely indifferent to either stance who just show up for the guilt-free chocolate (at 75% off if you just wait one more day). 



According to the National Retail Federation, only 51% of us will be celebrating it this year compared to 63% in 2009. Hopeless romantics will spend an average of $162 on cards, chocolate, teddy bears, jewelry and roses. Let’s talk about those roses. Almost 200 million roses will be sent this year and senders will pay a higher price for them than any other week of the year. I hear you about the price gouging, but c’mon… what would "roses on sale" say about the measure of your love?  

Those who won’t be buying overpriced roses or heart-shaped boxes of chocolate might be celebrating Single Awareness Day (yes… the acronym is SAD… coincidence?) or International Quirkyalone Day, a "do-it-yourself celebration of romance, friendship, and independent spirit," according to the official site.

Personally, I'm neither a Valentine's Day lover or hater...meh. But I understand the dark side of a holiday that commodifies love to the tune of over $18 billion while simultaneously bringing attention to those who aren't contributing to the love spending fest.

Like I said… Valentine’s Day is complicated.

Tap Into your Inner Cupid

I know that not everyone has the same appreciation for drywall flavored candy hearts or the gooey engagement announcements and ring pics that are certain to flood your social feed. But there are a few good reasons to participate regardless of whether you’re hoping for (or stressing over) sexy lingerie or deciding which wine will pair best with that half-gallon of Ben and Jerry’s. Single or coupled, here are two ways to tap into your inner cupid that will show your brain and heart a little love. 

Give a little.

It feels good to give and the payoffs are huge. When you give to another person, at least two good things happen: you both feel more connected and you both get a boost of good brain chemicals that decrease the production of cortisol. Share a hug, a smile, a text or a phone call to a friend, relative, or elderly neighbor. It doesn’t have to be a big thing. In fact, the little things are often the most thoughtful  — a card and a tea bag, a hand-written coupon for a free car wash, or better yet, quality time sharing a meal or just talking. The brain is wired to connect, and loneliness is at an all-time high. As an added bonus, hugging and other forms of physical touch release the hormone oxytocin, which reduces blood pressure, boosts mood, and lowers the levels of stress hormones.

Smile a lot.

Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to about serious expectations of romance or a day of disappointment for the singles. Conversation hearts and the corny “be mine” sayings are playful and who doesn’t smile when they get that tiny little heart-shaped sampler box?  Remember, smiles are contagious, and all of those good brain chemicals that are released with a smile are contagious, too.  

Smiling has a profound effect on the reward centers of the brain.  In fact, smiling induces more pleasure in the brain more than chocolate. According to Ron Gutman, the author of Smile: The Astonishing Powers of a Simple Act, one genuine smile generates the same level of brain stimulation as up to 2,000 bars of chocolate. And if that’s not enough, smiling can make you look younger, thinner and more likeable while also elevating your mood and sense of well-being.

So, go ahead… love Valentine’s Day or hate it, but give a little bit and make some smiles. Your brain and your heart and the people around you will thank you.




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