The Secret to Growing a Better Brain

Expansive research and advances in technology have contributed to a shift in a fundamental belief: that our brains are fully developed by the time we turn 30. Now we know that just isn't the case. We...

6 foods to Boost Your Brain Power

Can certain foods make you smarter? You know the old saying, you are what you eat? Well, it’s true for your noggin' as well.After all, your brain is fueled by the nutrients you eat—so you can give...

Your Thoughts May Be Killing You

Back in the 1990s we learned a few things about neuroplasticity and neurogenesis and how the human brain continues to grow and change throughout our lives. Every time we learn something new, new...

5 Ways to Make 2020 the Year of the Brain

As we welcome in a brand new year, almost half of us will continue a tradition that originated back in 153 B.C. The Romans began each year by making promises to the

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