The Best Reason to Break the Rules

It’s been almost 30 years since the greatest moment of sporting commentary ever and we have our proper friends from across the pond to thank. The BBC has rather strict rules about sports broadcasters...

Chill out with this Relaxation Playlist

Are current events stressing you out a little? Now more than ever, we need creative ways to slow down and chill out in the face of all the collective anxieties that seem to be never-ending. Better...

Metaphorical Mind Games that Influence Behavior

Do you think you'd judge people differently if you were holding something heavy rather than holding nothing at all? What if you were holding a cup of hot coffee as opposed to a cold drink? Emerging...

Chocolate on the Brain?

They say money can’t buy happiness, but it can buy chocolate and that’s the same thing. We now have a few scientific reasons (or ten) to indulge. Research shows that chocolate can help us cheer up,...

6 foods to Boost Your Brain Power

Can certain foods make you smarter? You know the old saying, you are what you eat? Well, it’s true for your noggin' as well.After all, your brain is fueled by the nutrients you eat—so you can give...

Want a mini-orgasm for your brain? Try this!

Genuine compliments cost nothing and they create more than warm fuzzies. When people receive a compliment, it triggers the same reward centers in the brain as sex and releases a boost of dopamine...

What Separates Us From the Lizards

The oldest reptilian brain is the survival brain. It controls our vital functions such as heart rate, breathing, body temperature and balance. It also controls our four major instincts: the four F’s:...

Why Fake News Fools the Best of Us

Fake news. Prior to our last election cycle, those weren't words we heard much. But today, thanks to social media, fake news travels faster than ever. With 2.23 billion monthly active users, it's no...

The Scientifically Proven "Feel-Good" Song

Everyone has one song that triggers a specific emotional response. It might be the song that you danced to at your wedding or a song that takes you right back to your high school cafeteria. The...

What Does a Conscious Community Look Like?

"I define connection as the energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard, and valued; when they can give and receive without judgment; and when they derive sustenance and strength...

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