The Secret Sauce of Employee Engagement

What enables some employees to experience meaningful work while others are so disengaged that they are more focused on watching the clock than anything else? What determines whether employees are creative and inspired or reactive and stressed?  

According to a recent Gallup employee job satisfaction and engagement survey, only about one-third of workers in the United States are truly engaged in their jobs, leaving the majority either not engaged or actively disengaged. 



Check out the Neuro Nugget below to find out what inspires the most engaged employees! 

 Each disengaged employee costs 34% of their salary because of lost productivity, missed shifts, chronic tardiness, and disrupting others by spreading negativity throughout the company. Actively disengaged employees are not only miserable, but they also destroy the positive benefits engaged employees work so hard to build for the company.

The secret to engaging employees is to remember that they are humans first. If we really want them to deliver creative, inspired, meaningful work, we have to create the conditions for them to reach their full potential. When we shift the culture to value people over products and processes, we create the conditions to meet their hierarchy of needs all the way to the top.


If you are interested in learning more about creating the kind of workplace that inspires people to reach their full potential, check out the Humans First Club!


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