Who is Hijacking your Brain?

Perhaps you’ve heard of the amygdala - the lightning-fast part of the brain responsible for detecting potential threats and activating the fear center to keep us safe. It's hardwired to do that. But there is a downside. When any kind of stress or threat activates the brain’s fear system, it hijacks resources from your rational, creative regions to take care of the threat.

And it's not just physically dangerous situations that can throw the brain into survival mode. Stress responses can be activated whenever we feel vulnerable. Even a remote threat of failure or embarrassment can trigger a stress response and hijack our idea-generating, creative brilliant mind. This nugget from the archives explains more about the amygdal hijack

Check out today's Neuro Nugget to learn how a single cat hair can hijack a rat's brain and what that has to do with us!

Make it amazing!


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