The Secret to Growing a Better Brain

Expansive research and advances in technology have contributed to a shift in a fundamental belief: that our brains are fully developed by the time we turn 30. Now we know that just isn't the case. We...

How the Brain Tastes Wine

What do listening to Mozart, kicking a soccer ball and solving a trigonometry problem have in common? According to recent research, they all require less brain activity than tasting a nice glass of...

Ignore Feedback at your Peril

Think about the last time you asked someone for their feedback. Did you listen to their response? Really LISTEN? Organizational listening is a skill that requires intention, but when done right...

The Butterfly Effect of Kindness

Mean people really suck, don't they? No, really... we all know what it feels like to be ignored, mistreated or disrespected either intentionally or not. In a polarized dog-eat-dog world that seems...

Go to the Beach - Your Brain will Thank You

 Ahhh… summer! 'Tis the season to put your toes in the sand, let the sun kiss your face and watch the waves roll in. There is nothing quite as synonymous with summer as relaxing at the beach.

The Sweet Spot Between Burnout and Boredom

Workplace surveys show that employees are not engaged because they are stressed, burned out, and bored. So which is it? It turns out that finding the sweet spot between burnout and boredom is the key...

Keep Top Talent: Create a Culture of Contribution

What defines a healthy organizational culture? In survey after survey, leaders answer that question much differently than their juniors. Perhaps a better question is what elements of company culture...

Is it Just Me, or is the World Just a Cat Playing with Australia?

Have you ever seen the shapes of animals in the clouds or the face of Jesus in your toast? If so, you are not alone. It's a fascinating phenomenon that is hard-wired into all of us and there is a...

Inquiring Minds Are... Happier? You Bet!

"If you could say in one word what you want more of in life, what would that be?" That question has been asked time and time again in countless polls and surveys. Overwhelmingly, the number 1 answer...

Popularity Precipitates Popularity (or Why Everyone is Doing It)

Think you're your own person? That you make most decisions based upon a conscious and thoughtful evaluation of the options? Think again. Every single day, both in the online world and in the physical...

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