Reduce Anxiety with THIS Song

Stress and the cortisol that is generated by it can actually kill you… starting with your brain cells. An over production of cortisol starts by shrinking the brain cells and weakening the cell walls until they eventually die. Beyond that, more than 90% of doctors' visits are for stress-related illnesses.  Chronic stress changes your brain function and the structure of the brain right down to the DNA.  When your brain senses danger, it signals the hypothalamus, pituitary gland and the adrenal glands by your kidneys to start producing hormones. An overproduction of these hormones makes you more vulnerable to everything from headaches, colds, and diseases to impaired cognitive function.

Those of you who’ve been following me for a while know that I’m a little bit of a music junkie. It’s not just that I love all different types of music, but also get a little geeked at understanding how different music affects the brain. It doesn’t take a neuroscientist to know that listening music is a great way to relax and restore emotional balance. So last week when someone asked me what music was the best for relaxation and stress relief, I knew it was out there somewhere.

Check out the Neuro Nugget below to find out which song was scientifically composed to reduce anxiety!

Make today amazing!



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