Groupthink: Smiling and Nodding Your Team to Defeat

Consensus decision-making sits just on the edge of groupthink. Slipping into groupthink oftentimes happens without our awareness and goes undetected long after the meeting is over. But, once you know...

8 Signs Your Team is a Victim of Groupthink

Have you ever wondered why some teams thrive while others struggle to survive? Research shows that there are invisible forces that may be undermining the success of your team.

8 Signs Groupthink May be Crippling Your Team

Have you ever wondered why some teams thrive while others struggle to survive? Research shows that there are invisible forces that may be undermining the success of your team.

The Neuroscience of Candid Camera

Smile, you're on Candid Camera! Hidden-camera show "Candid Camera" first hit the air in the 1940s, and versions of the show have played in every decade since. It turns out that there is brain science...

What Candid Camera Teaches Us About Bias

Smile, you're on Candid Camera! Hidden-camera show "Candid Camera" first hit the air in the 1940s, and versions of the show have played in every decade since. It turns out that there is brain science...

Common biases that could be crippling your team

As amazing and complex as the brain is, sometimes we jump to illogical conclusions or make bad decisions. We don’t mean to do it and we often don’t even know we are doing it. But we all do it –...

This Invisible Force May Be Killing Your Team

Have you ever wondered why some teams thrive while others struggle to survive? Research shows that there are invisible forces that may be undermining the success of your team.

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