Melissa Hughes

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Why Facts Backfire

Have you ever fundamentally disagreed with someone on a personal issue that both of you were very passionate about? Climate change, reproductive rights, election integrity, gun reform… pick a topic....

What Does It Mean to have Intellectual Humility?

If I asked you if you identify as a racist, a xenophobe, or a bigot, chances are pretty good you’d say, “Of course not!”But, I’d like to pose a tougher question.Are you ignorant?Before you answer,...

Powerful Influences over Purchase Decisions

How much do we know about why we buy and why we pass? What truly influences our purchase decisions? An eye-grabbing advertisement, a catchy slogan, an infectious jingle? Great marketers wrestle with...

The Power of Psychological Anchors

Imagine that you are trying to negotiate a pay raise with your boss. You might hesitate to make the first offer – let him toss a number out. But, research shows that the first one set the number is...

Have You Fallen Prey to The Costco Effect?

Have you ever walked into a store planning to buy just one or two things and walked out an hour later with a whole shopping cart full of stuff? It's called "the Costco effect" and it's a masterful...

The Power of AWE (and why we need it)

How awesome are you? I mean… how frequently do you experience awe? More than other people do? Do positive character traits make people more likely to experience awe? Some people are indeed more ...

Are You Biased? is the Wrong Question

When you hear the word bias, what comes to mind? Racial prejudice? Or maybe you think of mainstream media or a particular political persuasion. But I know… you’re not biased, right? Newsflash: Yes,...

What Those Food Cravings Really Mean

Remember the “Freshmen 10?” Thanks to COVID 19, many of us are battling the “Quarantine 15.”Life in lockdown disrupted our routines, allowed for more free time, and increased anxiety and stress –...

5 Power Phrases that Can Change Everything

Effective communication is an important skill for all of us, but it’s a crucial competency for leaders. Literally, the words a leader uses have a powerful influence over his or her team members’...

Think you're all that? Not so fast...

Why is it 90% of drivers consider themselves to be better than average, 65% of Americans believe they have above average intelligence and most of us believe we are more likable and honest than the...

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