Think about the last time you received a genuine compliment. How did that feel?When was the last time you gave someone else a genuine compliment? Sincere compliments can have a powerful effect on...
Inquiring Minds Are... Happier? You Bet!
"If you could say in one word what you want more of in life, what would that be?" That question has been asked time and time again in countless polls and surveys. Overwhelmingly, the number 1 answer...
The Secret to a Neurological Mini-Orgasm... No kidding!
What if I told you that there is a secret way to generate good neurochemicals that trigger the same reward centers in the brain as sex and it releases a boost of dopamine that activates the cerebral...
Want a mini-orgasm for your brain? Try this!
Genuine compliments cost nothing and they create more than warm fuzzies. When people receive a compliment, it triggers the same reward centers in the brain as sex and releases a boost of dopamine...
7-Day Kindness Challenge
Recent research proves that just seven days of small, random acts of kindness is enough to bring significantly more joy to your life.One study conducted by Oxford scientists recruited almost 700...
What happens inside a grateful brain
Saying "thank you" and expressing appreciation is just good manners. But did you know that the intentional practice of gratitude actually changes the chemistry of your brain?
Want to give your brain a mini-orgasm? Try this!
Genuine compliments cost nothing and they create more than warm fuzzies. When people receive a compliment, it triggers the same reward centers in the brain as sex and releases a boost of dopamine...
The Power of a Handwritten Note
The average adult sends or receives more than 100 emails and and Americans between the ages of 18 and 29 exhange more than 100 texts each day. But the average household receives only 10 handwritten...